ABC approach to pond management From Pond Aeration, Probiotics or Pond Dye.
Ponds have a life cycle. Every pond is an ecosystem that is impacted by the surrounding environment. The scientific term is eutrophication, which is a natural process that occurs in an aging lake or pond as that body of water gradually builds up its concentration of plant nutrients. Artificial eutrophication occurs when human activity introduces […]
Pond aeration is becoming a very popular method of maintaining the health of a large pond and with good reason. A properly sized aeration system will eliminate stagnation, increase circulation, energize biological processes and create a clean, clear health pond ecosystem. The pond in the picture is an example of a stagnant, nutrient loaded, unhealthy […]
Great Blue Heron are majestic, beautiful birds with a healthy appetite. Koi ponds are like the proverbial “fish in a barrel” to a heron. A pond owner’s worst nightmare is finding missing koi that have been raised, become part of the family and are worth in some cases, thousands of dollars. A single heron can […]
Learn how to naturally limit aquatic plant and algae growth in large ponds and lakes, through the use of pond dye. Before becoming involved with ponds and living in an area that is home to thousands of ponds, I always wondered why anyone would want the potential for a stagnant, algae covered, mosquito infested body […]