• ABC approach to pond management From Pond Aeration, Probiotics or Pond Dye.

    Ponds have a life cycle. Every pond is an ecosystem that is impacted by the surrounding environment. The scientific term is eutrophication, which is a natural process that occurs in an aging lake or pond as that body of water gradually builds up its concentration of plant nutrients. Artificial eutrophication occurs when human activity introduces increased amounts of these nutrients, which speed up plant growth and eventually choke the lake of all of its animal life. With fertilizer runoff, fish waste, decaying vegetation building up over time, every pond owner faces this natural process. Typically algae blooms, excessive weed growth and fish kills are symptoms of the problem.

    Pond management requires a proactive approach to reverse this natural process. Consider the acronym ABC as a natural solution for creating a balanced pond eco-system.

    Aeration is one of the keys to pond health. Stagnant, thermally stratified, oxygen starved ponds can be revived simply by adding Aeration. Tests have demonstrated a doubling of water clarity, reductions in ammonia, muck and elimination of thermal stratification.

    Beneficial bacteria or Probiotics occur naturally in a pond. Digesting decaying organic matter is their job. When the nutrient load exceeds naturally occurring bacteria’s ability to consume organic matter, muck starts to build and algae and plants grow in excess. Bio-augmentation or adding Probiotics to the pond begins to balance the nutrient load.

    Colorant or Pond Dye is a tool to limit sunlight in a pond. By adding shade to the pond algae and weeds are starved of sunlight and their growth is reduced. Managing a pond can be easy, effective and earth friendly. When you follow the ABC approach you can significantly reduce the use of pond treatment chemicals and reverse the aging process of your pond.

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